Witch Work

Shannon Barber
5 min readOct 21, 2021

Hello dear reader. I present you with some of my earlier work. This piece was written in 2010 and I give it to you unedited. During this period I was toying heavily with magical realism and that path would lead me to trying out urban fantasy. A little horror for Spooptober.

[image description: digitally manipulated image of clouds done by the author]

Nothing indicates what I’m pretty sure is about to happen. No stormy night, no thunder, no rain, no haze of spectral evil lurking. Matter of fact, it’s pretty nice out. Three quarter moon, the air is warm and smells like the ivy tumbling over the fence to my left. If I didn’t have anything else to do I’d probably do something silly and witchy like stripping off all my clothes and cavorting.

But I’m not.

Time to get to work, I take my jacket off and shake it out. Check myself, gris-gris check, protective talisman in my pocket check, charms written on my palms in ash and blood check, I think I’m ready. No wait, I’m forgetting something so I pick my jacket back up, patting the pockets and keeping an eye on the globular darkness moving towards me across the parking lot.

Fuck, oh fuck what am I forgetting? The mass of darkness is picking up speed and I can’t just go haul ass-ing over there with- oh right my mouth guard. Can’t do battle without the right equipment right? I shove the thing in my mouth and turn to face my enemy.

