Member-only story
That was Fun
Let’s not do that again.
Recently another writer asked me about my now out of print poetry boo Gasoline Heart.

First let’s talk about the writing. My poetry book was written mainly while I was waiting for buses on my phone using a notepad app. I have long used writing poems as a way of relaxation or warm up. I did not set out to write a poetry book at all. I wrote a bunch of poems and my editor had previously reached out to tell me if I did the thing, she wanted the thing.
And thus the thing was born all wee and pink and shiny.
Second. As I was getting to the birthday of my book I did what folks tell authors to do. And yes, this is going to get bitter because I am. I reached out to a total of 30 literary magazines who had posted asking for work to review. I sent those emails as well as emails to people who’d expressed interest in reviewing my work. One person responded but never posted the review. In the whole of 2018, I was not able to get a single nibble of interest.
In the lit world, I did the things. I sent polite submission emails with poems from the book. Not one got accepted. My spreadsheet for most of the few poems I used for submissions/promotions show that on average each poem got rejected 10–15 times. Most mags said they didn’t publish “personal” poetry but did just not mine. That’s fine.