Member-only story
Still Not An After
Notes from a Spiritual Fatass. Still also a rageass.

To the left, behold a super classy work bathroom outfit selfie. Look at that human, that human is me and I am not fat anymore.
I am 5'3". I weigh about 148–158 lbs (depending on where I am at in my menstrual cycle). For clothing reference (hilarious most of my outfit came from Hot Topic) I wear a Jrs size 11/13 in pants. The way my body is put together, I’ve got thick thighs, a little belly, big boobs and a small booty. I’ve been built this way since puberty.
When I look at this photo I don’t see the 42 year old potato I am this moment, I see the 19 year old potato I was. This is how my body looked at that age. I look at this photo (and another I’ll include below) I am shocked that this is the adult human I have become.
In my mind, I am still a fat person. When I see fat people, fat Black femmes, fat fashion, I feel seen and represented in my heart. I follow fat fashion news, I follow fat people, I read fat politics, I am fat oriented.
I am not fat anymore.
I struggle with this a lot. Sometimes when I catch a glimpse of myself in my underwear at home in the mirror…