Member-only story
Dead and Gone
Original story raw draft.
Hello dear reader. Below find a story inspired by the screenshot from the film Jackie Brown that I wrote as a writing exercise. Unedited. Enjoy. Content notes: some mention of childhood abuse and murder.

The press of the gun to his temple was almost gentle, the voice in his ear made him smile. “Hey. You’re late. Drop ‘em.” The man tossed the gun in his left hand, and she laughed. “And your dick knife and the rig in your fat paddle.” Of course, she remembered his habits. He pulled the little push knife out of the waistband of his underwear and reached back under his jacket for the .22. “You know Christina, if I’d realized what it was, I would have worn a better suit.”
Christina frisked him lightly and the gun at his temple went away. “Go sit down, pour yourself a drink. “He did what he was told, still smiling. By the time he sat down, poured himself a hefty four fingers of bourbon she was sitting across from him, beautiful as ever. She let him take her in, she had her graying hair in a soft puff, her face was slightly more lined, but she barely looked older than 40. “You look so good. Mind if I say, it’s true Black don’t crack?”
She smiled, “no I don’t mind. And it is less likely to crack when you know how to moisturize and have a great dermatologist. I got a guy.” He laughed and thought of his own aging. His hair was…